Company quality policy - INTEGRA CABLE
Integra Cable > About company > Quality policy

Quality policy

Our mission

Design, development, production and sales of fiber-optic cable, demanded in the sales market, taking into account:

  • compliance of the optical communication cable with national and international standards;
  • striving to fully meet current and anticipate future consumer expectations.

Our strategy

  1. Maintaining and further strengthening the leading position among fiber-optic cable manufacturers.
  2. Constant expansion of the geography of sales markets, entry into foreign markets as a reliable supplier of fiber
    optic cable.
  3. Sustained profit under any external world market conditions.

Ways to implement the Quality Policy

  1. Building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers of raw materials, aimed at ensuring and improving the
    quality of purchased products.
  2. Application of risk-oriented thinking aimed at reducing the impact of risks, ensuring the implementation of
    necessary measures to manage them.
  3. Improvement of methods of management of production processes.
  4. Improvement of products through the use of modern materials, equipment, implementation of advanced
    energy-efficient technologies, technical modernization and development of production, rational use of resources.
  5. Increasing the culture of production.
  6. Maintaining the necessary level of qualification, competence and motivation of employees of the enterprise to
    improve the quality of work performed.
  7. Expanding new, profitable lines of business to meet stakeholder interests and requirements.

Our goal is a brilliant reputation in the market

By implementing the Quality Policy, the Company’s management sets the following quality goals:

  • focus on satisfying consumer demands;
  • striving to implement the risk management action plan for the year;
  • increasing the professional level of employees through continuous training.
  • ensuring that the salaries of the Company’s employees are at the regional-industry level;
  • creating comfortable working conditions and maintaining equipment in good working order;
  • ensuring the participation of specialists in exhibitions, conferences and seminars.


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